Monday, June 23, 2008

Gala Concert

Dear Friends,

Will you publish your impressions here! The concert was magnificent!. I hope that our guest was happy to see the Camp's talents!

Valentina M S


Татьяна said...

Gala concert was really great! It was fantastic to see children’s enthusiasm and motivation! Our yellow team was marvelous! You did a great job!!! Tatyana M M, yellow

ArslanYello said...

Narn SUN, Narn SUN, Narn SUN! I'm proud of you, dear kids! Keep up a good job! You are great!
Arslan U, Yellow, Counselor

Dzhiga said...

This concert was just awesome! I liked it a lot! All groups proved to be very creative, and funny. Also everybody showed a high level of speaking English during the performance. I think that it was very important for children that the principal of EKG, Oktyabrina Eduardovna, and so many other guests attended their concert.

SANCHER said...
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SANCHER said...

the blue tam were the best on the gala team.

Afrodita said...

Hi, guys!!!!!! In a gala concert I was Britney Spears! I think that blue team was the best among other teams!!!
Zamira M. blue team «Indigo Children»

Unknown said...

Hey! Gala consert was so fantastic! Red Team was the First!!!
Lyuba, Red Team

ilyana said...

Hello!!!!!!!!!!!! my name is Ilyana!!!!! I like our camp!!!!!!! Blue team the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ilyana, Blue team!!!!!!!!!!

Aisa said...

Hi! Gala Concert was very-very interesting and COOL!!! AISA-BLUE

Unknown said...

Hi! Gala concert was great and cool!!! All teams were super, especially our RED HOT HEARTS team!!! Jain B., Red team.