Monday, June 23, 2008

Getting Acquainted

Dear friends,

Will you publish your comments on our first activity Getting Acquianted (Thursday, June 19)!

Don't be too critical! Everything was OK.

Valentina S


Baya said...

The first cultural event we had was “Let’s get acquainted”!!! It was wonderful because children had only two days to be ready with presentations of their groups. It was really a show! Every team presented their own ideas and showed their creativity and there was a lot of fun!

Bayrta, Counselor - Blue

ArslanYello said...

The teams were great! They showed how responsible they are and that they can think on their feet, beacause they only had one day to prepare for the event!

Arslan U, Yellow, Counselor

saltanat said...

Hello! I am 13.I am student of school “Access”. I like English. My name is Saltanat,Red Team