Monday, June 23, 2008

Camp Counselors

Dear friends,

Would you publish your comments on the counselors!!!

They are working so hard to make the life at the Summer Camp fantastic!

Valentina M S


Valentina M S said...

The counselor of Green Team is Elena. I am so thankful to her that she tries to manage different activities at the Camp. Kids, help Lena! Follow her instructions, please.

Valentina M S

ArslanYello said...

I'm the counselor of the Yellow Team! I'm really happy to be here and trying my best to make your stay here joyful and interesting!

Best wishes,
Arslan U Yellow Counselor

Afrodita said...

Hello, everybody!!! I’m from team №1 Indigo Children. Our counselor is Baya. Baya is a very good counselor.
Zamira M.