Monday, June 23, 2008

The Word of the Day

Dear friends,

How do you like this activity?
Do you remember the Word of June 17? Is it FUN?

Valentina S


ArslanYello said...

I actually think that it is a great idea! In our team kids get to write their associations with the given WORD OF THE DAY! This is really cool!

Arslan U, Yellow, Counselor

SANCHER said...

SPIRIT is the word of the team.

Alina said...

rkfdbfnehfTHE WORD OF THE DAY is very interesting project. People like this project!!!

zhavga said...

Hello. My name is Zhavgarat. I like summer camp. It is very interesting here. I want to get acquainted with you.Blue team.

elina said...

Hello! My name is Shavkhalova Elina. The summer camp is a very interesting. Yellow team.